David Sierra Porta


How I see it. Some of us spend our lives focused on something that excites, nourishes and inspires us, and we make that whole life revolve around that emotion. Doing with our hands, struggling and making that struggle the reason for our joys, finding satisfaction and fulfillment along the way. Like that fisherman who goes out every morning, every day, and every night to ingratiate himself with life, his hands tanned by the substance of his work, his back torn by the sun that gives him life and his shoulders cracked from the weight of his labors, hands with bruises from every feat and struggle, but at the same time, his heart and soul full of deep pride and happiness. This is how I cast my nets every day...

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Oscilaciones y Ondas

  1. Oscilaciones I: Movimiento Armónico Simple. [oscilaciones1.pdf]
  2. Oscilaciones II: Péndulo simple. [oscilaciones2.pdf]
  3. Oscilaciones III: Oscilaciones Amortiguadas. [oscilaciones3.pdf]
  4. Oscilaciones IV: Oscilaciones Forzadas y Resonancia. [oscilaciones4.pdf]
  5. Ondas I: Introducción a las ondas. [ondas1.pdf]
  6. Ondas II: Ondas transversales. [ondas2.pdf]
  7. Ondas III: Reflexión, transmisión y energía en ondas transversales. [ondas3.pdf]
  8. Ondas IV: Ondas longitudinales. [ondas4.pdf]
  9. Ondas Electromagnéticas I: Ondas Electromagnéticas. [ondasEM1.pdf]